
Cultural venues

{CORRESPONDANCES DIGITALES] accelerates your projects and helps you build your settlement strategies.

In cooperation with your teams, {CORRESPONDANCES DIGITALES] supports you in :

  • Your (re)positioning strategy.
  • Defining your digital and immersive projects (production, distribution, operation).
  • approaches developed in co-construction with your audiences and partners.

Strategic positioning

Your needs

As a cultural venue, you would like to :  

  • To anchor yourself more firmly in your local area and energize links with your audiences and your cultural, educational and business partners.
  • Renew your scientific and cultural project, develop new activities in line with the realignment of your missions.
  • Assert your raison d’être and your social responsibility in terms of sustainability, accessibility, inclusion and diversity of your audiences.

Our approach

To realign your missions:

  •  {CORRESPONDANCES DIGITALES] carries out a diagnosis in close collaboration with your venue, your teams, your partners and your audiences, to come up with tailor-made solutions that are truly adapted to your institution’s challenges. 

  • Through a succession of “situated” observations, interviews and workshops, {CORRESPONDANCES DIGITALES] helps you define the most relevant and shared positioning with your teams, your audiences and your partners (other institutions, schools, companies). 

  • This study then leads to the joint definition of a strategic plan and a roadmap (budget, action plan, schedule) to implement it.

  • This operational support can be continued by supporting the management and implementation of these projects. 

a few examples of our work

Our related publications

Digital and immersive strategy

Your needs

As a cultural venue, you would like to : 

  • Plan your digital innovation policy for the coming years:  define the digital component of your scientific and cultural project, redesign your museography, create innovative programs, etc.
  • Propose new mediation projects for your audiences in situ, off-site and online: educational kits, online collection promotion policy, interactive devices, etc.
  • Design, operate and distribute new immersive digital experiences and exhibitions: augmented reality, mixed reality, 360° virtual reality, free roaming, digital exhibitions, mapping, etc.

Our approach

To support you in your projects:

  • {CORRESPONDANCES DIGITALES] carries out a diagnosis and defines with your teams your ambitions and the means likely to be implemented.

  • On the basis of this analysis, {CORRESPONDANCES DIGITALES] mobilizes its network of experts, its active watch and its knowledge of the field to select the most opportune and relevant projects to meet your challenges. 

  • Thanks to a hybrid approach, at the crossroads of audiovisual and heritage, {CORRESPONDANCES DIGITALES] :

    • Define the resources needed to produce your projects: financing, service providers and legal and economic frameworks.

    • Supports you in anticipating the operating and mediation conditions for your projects.

    • We can help you consider the potential for distribution: adapting content, mobilizing distribution partners and identifying potential outlets.

a few examples of our work

Our related publications


Your needs

As a cultural venue, you would like to :   

  • Know and understand your audiences and partners through user-oriented research. 
  • Involve your audiences and partners in your governance, your thinking and your approach to designing digital, societal or environmental innovation projects.
  • Test and experiment your projects (whatever their maturity) with your audiences and partners as part of a co-constructed innovation approach. 

Our approach

To implement this approach :

  • {CORRESPONDANCES DIGITALES] works with you to diagnose your audience, their practices, and your local presence.
  • To co-animate exchanges with your audiences and partners, {CORRESPONDANCES DIGITALES] supports you in structuring, defining and implementing the most appropriate means of mobilization and co-design: workshops, test and experimentation sessions, focus groups, user-oriented methodologies.
  • Based on the results of these exchanges, {CORRESPONDANCES DIGITALES] can help you prioritize, enhance and sustain the proposals that emerge from these participative approaches.